Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Wednesday Beauty Buys

4 Way Block

I discovered this 4 way block at Boots a couple of weeks ago and at only £2 a pop I'm loving it. The shape is so easy to hold whilst filing nails and it has four elements to the block so there is no chopping and changing around. It does the job perfectly and is a lovely shape to work with . I am sure there are more expensive versions as always on the market, but I am happy to replace this one when needed for the price it is when it wears out. The elements are : 

1. File nail edge
2. Remove ridges
3. Smooth nail
4. Shine nail

Here are some photos of a new product and an existing one that I've already used.

A great little product Boots!


  1. I love them. I used to use them a lot when I was working but not so often these days due to lack of time.

    1. So much easier than a standard nail file don't you think?!!! X

  2. Wish we had boots here, although we get somethings

  3. good posting about Wednesday Beauty Buys
